So, since I was 9 years old, I have loved photography. Have I always pursued it? No. Will I now? Yes! I was inspired by a woman named Hallie from a blog entitled "From the Rubber Room." She has absolutely stunning photos! On her blog she shares photos from each day of the year. As a frustrated former scrapbooker, I found this idea of a photo a day very exciting. I think it will help me to think about my picture taking more than I currently do. In the past few weeks since my hubby insinuated that a new digital SLR may be in my future, I am back to an old habit. It's like I just woke up from a long nap. When I drive, walk or move in any direction for that matter, I am back to looking at the world with a photographer's eye. I see things differently. It is hard to explain. So, above is photo number one of my project. I will say that there will be days when I can't bear to post just one photo but I am committed to post AT LEAST one until my birthday next year! PLEASE feel free to comment and critique.
Dream on,